Magnetic Filters and Scale Reducers: We will repair and maintain any magnetic filters and scale reducers on gas or electric
appliance under our care plan. We will also clean magnetic filters as part of annual service. Unless it is deemed unpractical to
access or it is clear that leak may occur.
Powerflush: We use powerflush pumps to clean the system to remove sludge and corrosion deposits from your heating system. If
we recommend you require any powerflush work done, we will charge you to undertake this work £35+VAT/radiator, boiler or
cylinder. Once it is finished, there will be no charge in the future, for any powerflush work that may be needed, as long you keep
continuous GHPE central heating care plan. When repair is needed due to sludge or corrosion deposits and we have not told you
that you need powerflush. We will attempt to carry out the repair (excluding powerflush) and will do so at no extra cost. However,
at that point we will advise that powerflush is required and until the powerflush has taken place (either done by us or test sample
is sent for analysis at extra cost), we will not cover any ongoing sludge or hard water issues within the boiler or any components.
Cancellation: Your rights to cancel:
• You may cancel at any point, we do require you do so at least 3 working days prior your direct debit due date in writing to
• We will stop next months direct debit payment. If you informed us after payment date, we will not refund the charge.
• You may not cancel within your cooling off period.
Our Cancellation Rights:
We may cancel your agreement in the following circumstances:
• If we give you reasonable notice
• If you have given false information
• If you do not make agreed payment
• For agreements concerning gas boilers, gas appliances, heating systems, plumbing or electrics, if we find something wrong at
the initial inspection, or we have advised you that permanent repairs or improvements are needed to make sure your appliance
or system works properly, and you do not follow our advice within reasonable period. This advice may include replacing your
boiler, parts of heating system, fuse board (What constitutes a reasonable period will vary depending on the nature of the issue
and period could be short in the case of, for example, safety issue).
• If we are not able to find parts to keep your appliance or system working in good, safe order.
• If circumstances arise (including Health & Safety issues) which makes it inappropriate for the contract to continue.
Safety Advise: We may advise you that permanent repairs or improvement are needed to make sure your appliance or system
works safely and efficiently (for example, to comply with gas safety regulation, such as upgrading your ventilation to meet curren